City Of Tampa States “WrestleMania Is Still Planned To Proceed On Schedule”

City Of Tampa States “WrestleMania Is Still Planned To Proceed On Schedule”

March 11, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

As of right now WrestleMania is not being canceled or postponed.

Over the last few days, we have a number of cities limit the number of people who can gather at one event. We have seen a number of popular yearly events get canceled and many have asked, “what is going to happen with WrestleMania in the next few weeks?”

It was reported on Tuesday that city officials in Tampa were going to meet on the topic of prohibiting larger gatherings and events in their city. Wednesday, the City Of Tampa Twitter released a statement saying that “at this time WrestleMania is still planned to proceed on schedule.”

Now, this is good to hear at the moment, but remember that this statement can change over the next 24 hours depending on has the meeting with city officials does go. If they do act as we have seen others act, then WrestleMania in Tampa may not legally be able to go on as scheduled. In Austin, Texas you can not have a gathering with more than 2500 people total. In Washington state, many cities have the limit as low as 250 people total.

Again as of Wednesday afternoon the city feels nothing will change, but after Thursday’s meeting, things actually can.

If we do hear anything further on this developing story and what it could mean for WrestleMania on April 5th we will keep you updated.