WWE Reportedly Reaches Out To Jeff Hardy For Return

January 28, 2022 0 By Tim Jarrell

WWE tried to get Jeff Hardy back.

This past December there was a very interesting incident with former WWE Champion Jeff Hardy at a live event. We still do not know all the details but in short, hardy was working a six-man tag match at a live event and something seemed off. After being in the match for a while he tagged out, climbed out of the ring, into the crowd, and left the match never to return. This then led to a lot of speculation online and ultimately his release from WWE. Now it looks like WWE would like to have the charismatic enigma back.

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, he reports that the head of WE Talent Relations John Laurinaitis reached out to Hardy a few weeks back in an attempt to get him back in the company. It was stated that Laurinaitis went as far as to offer hardy a spot in the WWE Hall Of Fame this year to get him back. Meltzer states that Hardy did turn down the offer and event asked for the results of the drug test he took that led to his release.

Meltzer would go on to write that WWE reached out to hardy trying to get him back after they realized the possibility of The Hardy Boyz reuniting in AEW. As far as hardy possibly going to AEW, that is not possible till after March 9th as that is when his non-compete with WWE does run its course.

If we do hear anything else regarding Jeff Hardy and what he does next, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.