WWE Backstage & Total Divas Both See A Drop In Ratings
December 11, 2019This week WWE Backstage with CM Punk and the Toal Divas season finale both saw a dip in the ratings.
This week WWE Backstage on FS1 had CM Punk on the show as an analyst and King Corbin as the special in-studio guest. According to Showbuzz Daily, WWE Backstage averaged 127,000 viewers. This is down 8% from last week’s 138,000. We are not already seeing that for this show CM Punk is not a draw.
This week E! aired the season finale of Total Divas that advertised the Bella Twiins for the show as they are not on every episode. The show averaged 229,000 viewers. This is down 8% as well from last week’s 247,000. With this being the ninth season of Total Divas, there is no word on when or if the show will return on E! with a tenth season.
Overall for the night on cable Total Divas was ranked 94 and WWE backstage ranked 128 on the night.
If you missed either show check out these clips from both.
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