Update On Big E After Suffering A Broken Neck On Smackdown

March 15, 2022 0 By Tim Jarrell

Big E is in good spirits and back home.

Last week on Smackdown we saw a scary moment where Big E took a belly-to-belly suplex from Ridge Holland. Big E landed on his head and was checked on immediately by the medical staff. He then had to be stretchered out of the building and taken to the hospital. Big E then revealed that he had suffered a broken neck, but did not need to have surgery.

The last we heard from Big E was that he was still in the hospital but that is no longer the case. Big E did reveal on Twitter yesterday that he is back home.

Big E did state regarding the broken neck that he fractured the C1 and C6 in his neck. No timetable was given as far as how long he will be out. On average people are said to be out for eight to twelve weeks. If we do hear anything else regarding Big E and his injury, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.