Tessa Blanchard Trying To Dig Up Dirt On Accuser

Tessa Blanchard Trying To Dig Up Dirt On Accuser

January 19, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

It looks like Tessa Blanchard just keeps piling on to her bad week.

Last weekend was both good and bad for Tessa Blanchard. She won the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship, but the day before was accused of being a bully and racist. She quickly denied the accusations but multiple women came out to say that she has in fact been a bully to others in the past.

The first women to come out and make these accusations against Blanchard was Allison Kay. Blanchard never directly responded to Kay but she did post another denial of the accusations Thursday evening on social media. Saturday, Kay took to social media again to share a few messages she had got from others telling her that it looked like Blanchard was looking to possibly dig up some dirt on her.

As far as the messages go, Kay blocked out the contact information to not show who sent her said messages so we can not confirm these messages are coming from anyone reputable. Multiple women did show their support for Kay on Twitter like Chelsea Green, Isla Dawn, Rebel, and others.

Blanchard herself has not commented on these new accusations and if we do hear anything further on this situation we will keep you updated.