ROH Not Using Talent Who Worked Collective, Still Paying Not Used Talent & More
October 16, 2020ROH taking big safety precautions but not screwing talent.
Last weekend The Collective ran a number of shows that were intended for WrestleMania weekend but delayed due to COVID-19. Wrestlers from all around the country flew into Indianapolis to take part in these shows, with most talent working multiple shows, but it was not all fun and games. Since the shows concluded, three wrestlers who were present have come out publically stating they have tested positive for COVID-19. This has now put some on the shelf for a little bit and has even affected Ring Of Honor.
Ring Of Honor has flown talent into Baltimore for a new round of television tapings. It was told to us by one talent on the roster that ROH is treating this as a bubble. You are placed in your room and until the tapings are over you are not allowed to leave your room unless you need to go film your matches and or segments. Yet, according to John Pollock of POST Wrestling, any talent on the roster who worked any of the show over The Collective weekend will not be used and were sent home. This is just to be sure no one on the roster comes in contact with anyone who may have come in contact with someone with COVID 19.
ROH COO Joe Koff released the following statement to POST Wrestling,
While Ring of Honor does not publicly discuss specific internal decisions, ROH is taking every measure to preserve the integrity of its rigorous health and safety protocol for the upcoming tapings.
One example of this is Danhousen who was brought in for the most recent set of tapings. He posted on social media that he tested negative but was still sent home as a precaution. As we know you can contract COVID-19 and continue to test negative for at least five days while having it in your system.
Hello, I was tested Tuesday morning and my results were negative, I was just given another test today and was also negative. As an abundance of precaution @ringofhonor is being extra safe and responsible and I am going home today. Thank you for having me & caring about our safety pic.twitter.com/Qfz5WaHDem
— Danhausen (@DanhausenAD) October 15, 2020
Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer reports that because of this, television had to be re-written after some talent was sent home. Meltzer also wrote in the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Ring of Honor will still pay talent who were booked for the tapings and sent home early due to COVID precautions.
We will continue to follow this story and update you if anything further develops.