*UPDATE* Reason WWE Changed Keith Lee’s Entrance Music

August 25, 2020 4 By Tim Jarrell

Update: Keith Lee himself has actually addressed all the fans complaining about the change to his theme music with the following tweet.

Original: This may be bigger than just Keith Lee.

This week former NXT Champion Keith Lee made his main roster debut on RAW. Many fans online were outspoken by some of the changes made to Lee. Many were not a fan of his new gear and this biggest question was why they changed his entrance music. The entrance music being changed may be bigger than just Keith Lee getting his music changed.

According to a report from Fightful, the reason Lee had his music changed was that WWE is starting to urge talent to stop using music created by CFO$. The report goes on to state that the group who no longer works with WWE signed a bad deal with their publisher that gives the published receive half the royalties of their work.

The report closes out by saying that some of the superstars who were presented new music hated the themes presented to them. Keith Lee reportedly gave the go-ahead for his new entrance theme.