Possible Major Injury On Tonight’s NXT

Possible Major Injury On Tonight’s NXT

March 17, 2021 1 By Tim Jarrell

One NXT Champion may be injured heading into TakeOver.

Tonight’s main event of NXT saw the NXT Tag Team Champions Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defend their titles against the NXT Champion Finn Balor and Karrion Kross. Towards the end of the match, Danny Burch would tag himself out of the match to never return. Not only did Burch not tag back into the match, but he was checked out by doctors at ringside and immediately taken to the back with Lorcan finishing the match on his own.

According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Johnson reports that the early diagnosis and word backstage is that Danny Burch may have suffered a separated shoulder in the main event of tonight’s NXT. We do not know exactly what spot in the match could have caused the injury nor how severe the injury may be.

If Burch did suffer a separated shoulder, that could heel in a few weeks. Depending on how bad the injury is though, some cases could take months to fully recover. The good thing is the majority of separated shoulder injuries do not require surgery.

The timing of this possible injury could not be worse as we are only three weeks away from NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver one would hope Burch could be heeled by then as NXT is going to need all hands on deck for the first two-night TakeOver event.

If we do hear anything else regarding Danny Burch and his possible separated shoulder injury, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.