New Details On Vince Sending Big Men Back To The PC For Training
December 11, 2020Vince wants interesting big guys to get more training.
Earlier today it was reported that Vince McMahon was said to be mad about how some of the big men on the main roster work. Vince has ordered them to two days a week classes instructed by Adam Pearce and Drew Gulak. We now have more info on who those big men are.
According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Johnson reports that he can confirm those big men are Otis, Keith Lee, Dabbo Kato, Dio Madden, and AJ Styles’ bodyguard Omos among possible others. The report goes on to state that those working the new classes are said to be doing so on Tuesdays and Thursdays to ‘refine’ their talents.
Keith Lee being on this list is a very interesting one as we have heard this comes after a few of his dives in his last few matches were questioned by McMahon as to why he needs to be doing them. If you remember in the triple threat match a few weeks back Lee did a flip dive onto Styles and Riddle where the back of his head hit the edge of the ring.
If we hear anything further on Vince ordering thises guys to take these classes and what it could mean for Keith Lee and Otis specifically on the main roster, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.