More On Backstage Altercation With Brock Lesnar & Matt Riddle At The Royal Rumble

More On Backstage Altercation With Brock Lesnar & Matt Riddle At The Royal Rumble

January 28, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

Lesnar wants nothing to do with Riddle.

On Sunday we heard per Pro Wrestling Sheet that there was an altercation between Brock Lesnar and Matt Riddle prior to the Royal Rumble. Pro Wrestling Sheet did not give too many details other than the two crossed paths walking around backstage and Brock has some words for Riddle.

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Now according to Alex McCarthy of TalkSport, McCarthy states that Lesnar approached Riddle and grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. Lesnar then told Riddle,

β€œKid, you might as well stop saying my name and tagging me in sh*t because you and I will never work together. Ever.”

It is said that Riddle tried talking to Brock but did not get a chance to say anything. Basically Lesnar said all he felt he needed to say and then went on his way. McCarthy also stated that Riddle stayed calm as he always is and tensions never rose that high.

Despite Dave Meltzer saying that Riddle has heat on him and that he may have been ‘punished’ in the Rumble with being tossed out so quickly, McCarthy said that is not the case.