Major Return Takes Place On Smackdown
August 28, 2020Tonight a real champion returned.
Over the summer WWE vacated the Intercontinental Championship and held a tournament to crown a new champion. The finals of this tournament came down to Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles with Styles winning and becoming the champion. Then Styles defended his title a number of times but was unsuccessful last week against Jeff Hardy.
Tonight on Friday Night Smackdown Jeff Hardy hosted an Intercontinental Championship open challenge but was interrupted by AJ Styles. Styles was “not cleared to compete” and complained about losing last week. Ultimately Styles joined commentary as Hardy defended his title against Shinsuke Nakamura. Hardy was successful in his defense and as he was celebrating at the top of the ramp her was met by the returning Sami Zayn.
Zayn would make his way down to the ring holding an Intercontinental Championship. If you remember Zayn was stripped of the title when he refused to work during the pandemic as the company was running shows from the WWE Performance Center. Zayn stated that he is the real champion as he never lost the title.
After this Zayn was met backstage by Kayla Braxton where Zayn against said he is the real champion and both Styles and Hardy were fraudulent champions.
It is great to finally see Sami Zayn back and if we hear anything else as far as plan for him upon his return, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.
Great advice! I’ll definitely be implementing some of these tips.