Ember Moon Reveals Achillies Injury Happened In A 24/7 Title Segment

January 7, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

Ember Moon revealed she was not hurt in a match.

Ember Moon has been out for a few months now after suffering an Achilles injury that has put her on the self and an undetermined amount of time. It was never really known until now how the injury occurred. Ember has addressed it on WWE Backstage but now she told the entire story of what happened.

Ember Moon was featured on Bokker T’s YouTube channel and talked about the injury that has her currently sidelined. She said that the injury did not come in the ring but instead running around backstage in a 24/7 title segment. Ember stated that when she was told she was going to be involved she had a bad feel and that bad feel was not wrong as she explained,

“We do the run through and I told Truth, I was like, ‘Truth, you better run, I’m gonna catch you, Truth. If I catch you, I’m tackling you and you’re going down.’ And so when we actually did it, I literally caught them right before we went through the curtain. So they go through the curtain and they didn’t realize how close I was behind them. As I’m coming through, the curtain shuts, I open it, go through. Truth is dropping Carmella and I’m going full speed and I had to hit the brakes. I was just like, ‘whoah,’ BOOM, and I felt a pop.”

Moon would go on to state that at first, she did not even realize that anything was wrong and that she was hurt. She flew from San Fransisco back home to Dallas and did feel like anything was really wrong. She said that she went home and went to bed. When she woke up she couldn’t walk right and that her foot would not work correctly. Even the next day she was in no pain, there was no bruising and no swelling but she knew something was wrong when she could not flex the foot.

She told Booker T in the interview that she does not want to rush coming back and possibly not come back at 100% and injury the Achilles yet again. She also talks about the difference in her injury to Xavier Woods’ injury and how hers is worse.

As we stated before Ember has addressed the injury on WWE Backstage where she said there is really no timeline for how long she could be out of action.

You can listen to Ember talk about the injury in the video above.