Details On Goldberg’s Current WWE Contract

August 18, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

We have Goldberg in WWE for the next few years.

Over the last few years, we have seen Goldberg in WWE. Last year he killed Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam and even won the Universal Title earlier this year. Now we know that Goldberg is going to be around for the next few years.

While speaking with The Pop Culture Show, Goldberg revealed that he is under contract with WWE for two more years and has two matches a year on that contract.

“I am contracted with the WWE for the next two years through 2022, ’23. I’ve got two matches per year. I’ve exhausted my limit this year quite early on April the fifth with WrestleMania under these really weird circumstances. But I’ve got a couple other extremely interesting projects right on the cusp, but as you guys know in the entertainment business right now everything’s on hold unless it’s a production of 10 or under pretty much. We got a lot of cool things that people are going to find out about pretty soon. My WWE commitment is still going strong. At 53, I never would’ve imagined especially after making fun of Flair when he was doing it in his early 40s.”

Goldberg already used up his two matches here is 2020 after winning the Universal Title against The Fiend and lost the title to Braun Strowman at WrestleMania. On that we could assume we do not see Goldberg again till 2021, but there us nothing saying WWE can’t offer Goldberg more money to work another match this year.