Big E Provides Major Details On Neck Injury

Big E Provides Major Details On Neck Injury

March 13, 2022 0 By Tim Jarrell

We got as good of news as we could from Big E.

On Friday night Big E was teaming with Kofi Kingston against the team of Sheamus and Ridge Holland. During that match, Big E took a belly-to-belly suplex from Holland that saw the former WWE Champion land on the top of his head. Big E had to be stretchered from the ringside area and taken to the hospital. A few hours later he revealed that he had suffered a broken neck.

Saturday morning, Big E provided another update on his neck injury with as good of news as he could after such a bad injury. Big E revealed that the C1 and C7 in his neck were fractured, but no displacement. He said there was no damage to his spinal cord, no ligament damage and that thankfully he would not need surgery. He then joked that if you are going to break your neck then you should do it in Birmingham.

“So uh, I got some really good news. All things considered, the C1 and C6 are indeed fractured, not displacement though which is a very good thing. I don’t have any damage to my spinal cord, no ligament damage, and no surgery which I’m very thankful for.

And a pro tip, if you’re gonna break do it in Birmingham. They’ve been great, everyone here at UAB has been great. But for real, it’s meant a ton to me that so many of you have been so kind and reached out, stopped in to see me, texted me. I know I sound like a broken record but I feel very grateful, and I’m going to be alright. It’s a blessing”

It is great to hear that no surgery will be required and that he is in good spirits after suck a scary moment. On average, recovery time from a fractured neck with no issues during that recovery time is normally 8-12 weeks or so. Unfortunately, this does mean that if there were any plans for Big E to wrestle at WrestleMania in just a little over two weeks, it’s safe to say that is not happening anymore.

We want to wish big E a safe and speedy recovery and if we do hear anything else pertaining to him and his injury, we will have it here and on the PWUnlimited YouTube Channel.