Backstage News On This Week’s NXT, Major Crunch for Production
March 19, 2020Editors worked till the last minute to get out this week’s show.
This week’s NXT did not feature any live wrestling. The show was hosted by Triple H and Tom Phillips and aired video packages on the top feuds going on right now in NXT.
According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Johnson reports that the interviews for the show were all filmed on Tuesday. The stuff Triple H and Philips did was filmed at the WWE HQ in Stamford.
Johnson also stated that once all the content was filmed, the editing team “worked with a frenzy” to get the show edited together and out to the USA Network to air on time. He stated that the show actually came down to the wire getting it 100% completed.
Finally, the reason there was no mention of the two-night WrestleMania by anyone on the broadcast. The reason for that was because everything was filmed before that decision was made and announced.
The video packages that aired on the show was really good. it really showed us how the Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa feud has been one of the best booked long-term storylines in many many years in all of pro wrestling.