Another Former World Champion Announced For The Hall Of Fame

Another Former World Champion Announced For The Hall Of Fame

March 24, 2021 0 By Tim Jarrell

WWE rolling out the Hall of Fame news today.

Early Wednesday morning WWE announced that The Great Khali will be going into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. That was not the only announcement today of a former World Champion going into the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2021.

This morning on WWE’s The Bump, The Undertake broke the news that his brother Kane will be going into the WWE Hall of Fame. The Undertaker stated that no one deserves it more and Kane said he would not be in this position with The Undertaker.

Glen Jacobs joined WWE back in 1995 and has portrayed a number of characters over the year. He was Dr. Isaac Yankem D.M.D, fake Deisel, and Kane in a number of different interactions. Kane is a former WWF Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, ECW Champion, and more.

Kane now goes into the Hall of Fame joining the class of 2021 with The Great Khali, Eric Bischoff, and Molly Holly.