2K Puts Out Good News For The WWE2K19 Community
August 17, 2020You can still play 2K19 online.
When WWE 2K20 came out last year it was full of bugs and glitches. Fans of the series were not happy at all and many said they would just continue playing WWE2K19. Earlier this year 2K announced that they would soon be shutting down the online communities for 2K19. This did not sit well with the fans who do not want to now have to play 2K20 online.
With that 2K and the WWE Games team released some good news for the WWE2K19 online community.
We have sunset support for 2K19 Road to Glory and Online Towers. However, in appreciation for our loyal community, we will continue to support all other WWE 2K19 modes (specifically matchmaking servers and Community Creations) until the launch of the next WWE 2K sim title. pic.twitter.com/yJcOFyOdJH
— #WWE2K25 (@WWEgames) August 17, 2020
As of right now, it is unclear when the next WWE sim is going to come out. From things that the WWE Games team has stated, the plan is for the game to come out in the fall of 2021 giving the team an extra year to really fix what was messed up in the last game.