Matt Riddle Responds To Sexual Assault Allegations

Matt Riddle Responds To Sexual Assault Allegations

July 8, 2020 0 By Tim Jarrell

Matt Riddle was accused of multiple things and has addressed them all.

Independent wrestler Candy Cartwright accused Riddle of having an affair with her as well as forcing himself on her during a car ride a few years back. Riddle initially denied everything and stated that she had been stalking him and his wife. On Tuesday morning, Riddle finally spoke out on all of Cartwright’s claims.

Matt Riddle posted a short video to his Twitter admitting to the affair with Cartwright and cheating on his wife. He said when he tried to end it all she did not want to and started stalking him. Riddle then stated that she made up these false claims when the speaking out movement started to try and ruin his career.

“I’m gonna make this quick. I have never, in my entire life, sexually assault a man, women, or anybody. That includes Samantha Tavel, Candy Cartwright. I never sexually assaulted you. The story about that van trip, and the driver being asleep, and me forcing you to do stuff, and hop on, whatever, is a complete lie. It’s a fabricated story because you’re still mad. You know why you’re mad? Bcause yes, you’re right. We had an affair. You have plenty of evidence of that, and you know what? I never denied it. Because it happened. Do I want to talk about it? Do I want really want to share about it? No. It’s embarrassing. Because I feel like a real piece of crap cheating on my wife and doing that. And now having to talk about it publicly. But, I have too.

We had a relationship. We had a fling. I started to get sad and depressed because I was lying to my wife so much to hide what I was doing. I was lying to all my friends because I didn’t want anybody to know. Because it’s not something cool. I didn’t want to brag about it. I tried to end it. I told my wife about you and us. I tried to end it. I blocked you. I blocked your social media. You then started using messaging apps and you kept coming. I blocked those. I got a new number. You got my new number and kept messaging me. You got on social media account for other companies, kept messaging me till I blocked them. Now you have literally started harassing me showing up to hotels. Harassing my friends, “Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?”

At this point you have to realize, if you don’t think you’re stalking me, or harassing me, you’re crazy, and if you’re at home and you don’t think that’s harassment, you’re crazy. At the end of the day, I’m not perfect. We did have an affair. And I’m not happy about that. But, I never sexually abused anybody. I never sexually assaulted anybody. And when I wanted to get out of this relationship, out of this situation, she said no and she kept pursuing me and harassing me and stalking me. And then, when she didn’t get her way, she used the speak out movement to try and ruin my career. Completely unacceptable. That’s all I really have to say, that’s the story. Everybody have a great day, take care, later.”